Alces Software OpenStack User Guide

This guide is intended for users of an Alces OpenStack v1.3.0 environment - detailing environment access, and getting started with using the OpenStack private research facility.

OpenStack overview

OpenStack is a collection of open-source software tools, designed to work together to form a private or public research cloud environment - similar to using Amazon EC2 or Google Compute Engine.

OpenStack contains a number of core components, together with some optionally deployed pieces to form the environment - an Alces OpenStack environment contains the following components:

Service Description
Keystone Keystone is the OpenStack user authentication and policy service
Glance Glance is the OpenStack image service, responsible for holding virtual machine disk files and snapshots
Nova The Nova compute engine is responsible for both VM instance scheduling and the VM creation itself
Neutron The Neutron service is the core networking component, and provides self-service networking to researchers
Cinder The Cinder service allows users to provision chunks of persistent storage to and from their instances
Horizon Horizon is the OpenStack web interface - used to launch compute instances, storage volumes and more.
Ceph object storage For environments with object storage requirements - the Ceph filesystem is utilised to provide object storage to the environment

What you will learn

  • Alces Symphony OpenStack environment
    • Environment access
  • User networking capabilities and setup
  • Creating virtual machines
  • Customising virtual machines
  • Creating and interacting with storage volumes
  • Interacting with the OpenStack image service
  • Deploying example clusters using the OpenStack orchestration service