
The OpenStack Nova service stores SSH keys for instance access - users can choose either to upload an existing public SSH key, or optionally create a new keypair.

Uploading an existing keypair

Once authenticated to the DMZ VPN - upload your existing SSH public key:

[wflintstone@login1(demo) ~]$ nova keypair-add --pub_key /home/wflinstone/.ssh/

Verify the key has successfully been added to the Nova keypair database:

[wflintstone@login1(demo) ~]$ nova keypair-list
| Name       | Fingerprint                                     |
| wflinstone | 30:a1:08:68:bf:65:94:a5:56:b7:3a:35:38:a8:b7:a8 |

Create a new keypair

Once authenticated to the DMZ VPN - create a new keypair:

[wflintstone@login1(demo) ~]$ nova keypair-add wflinstone > /home/wflinstone-openstack.pem

Verify the key has successfully been added to the Nova keypair database:

[wflintstone@login1(demo) ~]$ nova keypair-list
| Name       | Fingerprint                                     |
| wflinstone | c4:6c:96:6f:81:73:62:91:ff:fa:1d:82:08:bd:fa:64 |