
Once authenticated to Keystone - perform the following actions to attach a block storage volume to a virtual machine.

  • Obtain the name or unique ID of the virtual machine you wish to attach the volume to
[wflintstone@login1(demo) ~]$ openstack server list
| ID                                   | Name                                               | Status | Networks                    |
| 30196e55-abce-4a69-9b32-80ed1b0a2953 | stack-group-rgkn2vuwwmkx-hilz2t2bvmio-sqd77nuxwl2u | ACTIVE | hpc1=              |
| 4173c933-bcf5-42dc-b611-c566c928c883 | stack-group-rgkn2vuwwmkx-xptrxb7wkrbc-e3n724dnwkoy | ACTIVE | hpc1=              |
| 2434a5ce-87f3-4571-b0ee-ea74fd4b8757 | stack-group-rgkn2vuwwmkx-ahzhik3vwuq7-qta43y6eqz3m | ACTIVE | hpc1=              |
| b46012ac-8cb4-41f8-9cb9-a57e13a20550 | login1                                             | ACTIVE | hpc1=, |

$ VM="b46012ac-8cb4-41f8-9cb9-a57e13a20550"

  • Obtain the name or unique ID of the block storage volume you wish to attach to the instance
[wflintstone@login1(demo) ~]$ openstack volume list
| ID                                   | Display Name | Status    | Size | Attached to |
| 835b9f57-8299-4bec-bf94-3256d445168b | refdata01    | available |    5 |             |

Attach the volume

  • Attach the volume to the instance and verify success:
[wflintstone@login1(demo) ~]$ openstack server add volume login1 refdata01
[wflintstone@login1(demo) ~]$ openstack volume list
| ID                                   | Display Name | Status | Size | Attached to                     |
| 835b9f57-8299-4bec-bf94-3256d445168b | refdata01    | in-use |    5 | Attached to login1 on /dev/vdb  |