
Once correctly authenticated to Keystone - move your virtual machine disk file to an appropriate location either on your location workstation with OpenStack command-line tools installed, or onto the OpenStack access or login node.

Note the location of your disk image file, for example: /users/wflintstone/centos7.1.qcow2

To upload the image to the Glance image registry, run the following:

openstack image create \
--name centos7.1 \
--file /users/wflinstone/centos7.1.qcow2 \
--container-format bare \
--disk-format qcow2 \
--min-disk 8 \
--min-ram 1024 \
--property architecture=x86_64 \
--property os_distro=centos \
--property os_version=7.1 \

Optionally, rather than using a local disk file with the --file option, publicly available images can be copied using the --copy-from <URL> option.

The glance image-create tool allows us to set many different variables when creating or modifying an image:

Option Purpose
--name The image name stored in the Glance registry
--file The location of the image file. Use --location URL to create an image from a web URL
--container-format Specify a container format, used for specialist container types e.g. EC2 ami
--disk-format The disk format of the image file, our demo uses the QCOW2 disk format
--min-disk The minimum disk space required to boot the image. We recommend setting at least 8GB, although some distributions can use boot with considerably less.
--min-ram The minimum memory required to boot and run the image. We recommend at least 512MB.
--property The property option is used to provide metadata stored in the Glance image registry and helps to provide users with additional information about the image.

Once the image upload has completed, we can check the status and verify successful upload, ready for use via the glance image-list command.

[wflintstone@login1(demo) ~]$ openstack image list
| ID                                   | Name             | Disk Format | Container Format | Size       | Status |
| ee163441-61b7-42fe-b06c-81e603c2e459 | centos.6.7-cloud | qcow2       | bare             | 1127219200 | active |
| 43755176-d799-43e7-b3b6-b5486af087ac | centos.7.1-cloud | qcow2       | bare             | 859111424  | active |
| c63abffb-1828-41fe-ae52-0f106b2c1dc9 | Cirros 0.3.4     | qcow2       | bare             | 13287936   | active |
| e53b8e97-893c-4357-aca8-098731973eb2 | clusterware-el6  | qcow2       | bare             | 661913600  | active |